Medizin studieren in England

Zuletzt geändert: März 8, 2022

Steckbrief: Medizin studieren in England

Studieren ist in England sehr teuer. Außerdem ist es den Universitäten in Großbritannien auch sehr wichtig, welche A-Levels (also Leistungskurse in der Oberstufe) man mit welchen Noten belegt hat.

Wenn du also kein super Abitur bzw. Matura und (!) vermögende Eltern hast, solltest du dich vielleicht in einem anderen Land nach einem Studienplatz umsehen. Falls doch, hier die durchschnittlichen Rahmenbedingungen eines Medizinstudiums in 61 Standorten in Großbritannien.

Dauer und Art des Studiums

4 bis 6 Jahre; Bachelor of Divinity with Honours




ca. 8.000 € p. a.

Sprache des Studiums


Englische Studiengänge




Offizielle, nationale Website


Universität Stadt
Seoul Central College of Medicine Mongo Hill
University of Science, Arts & Technology (USAT) Faculty of Medicine Olveston
Vanguard University School of Medicine Salem
St. Matthew’s University School of Medicine (Grand Cayman) Grand Cayman
Anglia Ruskin University School of Medicine Chelmsford
Aston Medical School Birmingham
Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry London
Brighton and Sussex Medical School Brighton
Bristol Medical School, University of Bristol Bristol
Cardiff University School of Medicine Cardiff
Charing Cross & Westminster Medical Schools London
Edge Hill University Medical School Ormskirk
Edinburgh Medical School, College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine, University of Edinburgh Edinburgh
Guy’s Hospital Medical School London
Hull York Medical School Hull
Imperial College London Faculty of Medicine London
Keele University School of Medicine Keele
Kent and Medway Medical School Canterbury
King’s College London GKT School of Medicine London
King’s College School of Medicine London
Lancaster University Medical School Lancaster
Leicester Medical School, University of Leicester Leicester
Leicester Warwick Medical Schools Leicester
London Hospital Medical College London
Manchester Medical School Manchester
Middlesex Hospital Medical School London
Newcastle University Faculty of Medical Sciences Newcastle upon Tyne
Norwich Medical School, University of East Anglia Norwich
Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry Plymouth
Peninsula Medical School, University of Plymouth Plymouth
Polish School of Medicine at the University of Edinburgh Edinburgh
Queen’s University Belfast School of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences Belfast
Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine London
Sheffield University School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences Sheffield
St. Bartholomew’s Hospital Medical College London
St. George’s University of London London
St. Mary’s Hospital Medical School, Imperial College London
St. Mary’s Hospital Medical School, University of London London
St. Thomas’s Hospital Medical School London
Swansea University Medical School Swansea
UCL Medical School London
United Medical & Dental Schools of Guy’s and St. Thomas’s London
University College London School of Medicine London
University of Aberdeen School of Medicine, Medical Sciences and Nutrition Aberdeen
University of Birmingham College of Medical and Dental Sciences Birmingham
University of Buckingham Medical School Buckingham
University of Cambridge School of Clinical Medicine Cambridge
University of Central Lancashire School of Medicine Preston
University of Dundee School of Medicine Dundee
University of Exeter College of Medicine and Health Exeter
University of Glasgow School of Medicine, Dentistry and Nursing Glasgow
University of Leeds School of Medicine Leeds
University of Liverpool School of Medicine Liverpool
University of Nottingham School of Medicine Nottingham
University of Oxford Medical Sciences Division Oxford
University of Southampton Faculty of Medicine Southampton
University of St. Andrews School of Medicine St. Andrews
University of Sunderland School of Medicine Sunderland
University of Wales School of Medicine Cardiff
Warwick Medical School Coventry
Westminster Hospital Medical School London

Das neue Standardwerk für die Aufnahme zum Medizinstudium

Dieses Buch befasst sich mit allen Zulassungsmöglichkeiten zum Medizinstudium – sowohl im deutschsprachigen als auch im europäischen Raum.

Spoiler-Alert: Auch ohne 1,0 Abitur und ohne Berufserfahrung ist ein Studienplatz sehr wohl möglich!

Das Beste: Korrigiert von ;-)

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